How to paint kitchen cabinets

How to paint kitchen cabinets

Interior Painting
House Painting
Published August 29, 2022
Anna G
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Painting your kitchen cabinets is an affordable and easy way to update your kitchen and give it a fresh new look. Whether you're on a tight budget or just looking for a fun weekend project, painting your kitchen cabinets can be a great option. In this blog post, we will take you through the step-by-step process of painting your kitchen cabinets.

Materials you will need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Sandpaper (120-grit and 220-grit)
  • Tack cloth or damp cloth
  • Painter's tape
  • Primer
  • Paint (oil-based or latex-based)
  • Paintbrushes or rollers
  • Paint tray
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Step 1: Remove Cabinet Doors and Hardware

The first step in painting your kitchen cabinets is to remove the cabinet doors and hardware. Use a screwdriver to remove the hinges and take off the cabinet doors. Remove all the handles and knobs from the doors and drawers. Place all the hardware in a bag or container to keep them organized.

Step 2: Clean and Sand the Cabinets

After removing the cabinet doors and hardware, clean the cabinets thoroughly with warm, soapy water. This will remove any grease or dirt that may have accumulated on the cabinets. Once they are dry, use 120-grit sandpaper to roughen up the surface of the cabinets. This will help the primer adhere better. Then use 220-grit sandpaper to smooth out the surface.

Step 3: Apply Primer

Once you've sanded the cabinets, use a tack cloth to remove any dust. Then apply a primer to the cabinets using a brush or roller. A primer will help the paint adhere better and also hide any stains or discoloration on the cabinets. Allow the primer to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 4: Apply paint

Using a paintbrush or roller, apply paint to the cabinets. If you're using oil-based paint, be sure to use a natural-bristle brush, as synthetic brushes can leave brush marks. If you're using latex-based paint, you can use a synthetic brush or roller. Apply the paint in thin, even coats, and allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next coat.

Step 5: Reinstall cabinet doors and hardware

Once the paint is dry, reattach the cabinet doors and hardware. If you've chosen to replace the hardware, be sure to fill any existing holes with wood filler and sand them smooth before attaching the new hardware.
And that's it! By following these steps, you'll have a beautifully painted kitchen that looks brand new. Not only is painting your kitchen cabinets a great way to update your space, but it's also a fun and rewarding DIY project.
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